Published 6 years ago in Sing

Indescribable Night (Voice Version)

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在这如唱诗般的吟诵中,在缓慢而悠远的旋律中会迷失了自己一会会,再来回顾古香古色的歌声:Kate St. John的独特声线,内向而寂静更有一分出色的古典气质,让歌曲表现出强烈的画面感,跟随着钢琴、中、小提琴,萨克思,长笛,管风琴,曼陀林等配器在乐海中睡去晚安啦么么哒…
A veil has lifted that shrouded my eyes 是你轻轻挑起我眼前的薄纱 The folds that lay over me no longer lie 于是这世上再没有谎言 Your infinity is revealed to me 我看见,你无限浩瀚的内心 It shines in your infinite smile 如你的微笑,永恒不衰 It was like a gift floating down through the dark 就像是漫长黑暗之后的恩赐 A dove finding rest in the leaves of my heart 于我心乡,白鸽安息 A feeling inside, an invisible guide 你是我内心深处无形的指引 Had shown me a way to survive 指引我逃离世上的风雨无常 Indescribable night 这一夜,温存恒久 Indescribable night 这一夜,光阴常驻 Indescribable night 这一夜,韶华不尽 Is it you? 是你吗?梦中的皈依,绿洲的旅人。 You and me in the circle of everyday life 你我原本都深陷在这世事无常的漩涡 Climbing through moments of death and delight 日日夜夜,无尽挣扎 Now I’ve found my good night in the spiral of light 在迷离的旋光中,终有这样的夜晚容我安歇 That shines in your intimate smile 如你的微笑,静谧我心 Indescribable night 这一夜,温存恒久 Indescribable night 这一夜,光阴常驻 Indescribable night 这一夜,韶华不尽 Sailor oh sailor won’t you be proud 远航的水手,你莫非不自衿? To now find a light in the deadliest cloud 在末日的云团中,发现希望光芒 The wisdom you’ve found, a surrendering sound 神启的智慧,绕梁不绝 Sings through the surrendering night 彻夜唱响不息 Indescribable night 这一夜,温存恒久 Indescribable night 这一夜,光阴常驻 Indescribable night 这一夜,韶华不尽 Is it you? 是你吗?梦中的皈依,绿洲的旅人  


Light music, please enjoy!

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