《落花风雨更伤春Fallen Flowers of The Spring》,来自王俊雄的《花间集》。
01. 蝶恋花 Love of Butterfly
02. 自有幽香梦里通 Plum Blossoms In My Dream
03. 魂梦不堪幽怨 Awoke From The Dream
04. 桃花依旧笑春风 Miss Your Smile In Springtime
05. 红杏枝头春意闹 Nothing But Spring Flowers
06. 踏过樱华第几桥 Under The Cherry Blossoms
07. 才有梅花便不同 Plum Blossoms In Winter Night
08. 花柳两相柔 The Willows With Fallen Flowers
09. 落花风雨更伤春 Fallen Flowers of The Spring
10. 夏雨风荷 Lotus In The Summer Rain & Wind
11. 子规声里驻年光 Rhododendrons In Springtime
12. 满树玲瓏雪未乾 Hydrangeas In Moonlit Night